Recipes with pulque, the drink of the gods

Pulque is the drink resulting from the fermentation of mead from the maguey, which in Nahuatl was called “octli”, whitish in color and thick in consistency, although it is believed that the word pulque comes from a word from the Atlantic islands that means “ rotten” alluding to fermentation. Pulque is known as “the drink of the gods” since in pre-Hispanic Mexico it was only commonly consumed by priests, and on festival days it could be consumed by everyone, without getting drunk, since this attitude was punishable and rejected by society. Pulque has great nutritional value, it is a highly appreciated product since, in addition to quenching thirst, it calms hunger due to its high content of sugars, minerals, and vitamins; When combined with other ingredients such as plants and spices, it can be medicinal. In pre-Hispanic times it was mixed with the root of “ocpatli” which accelerated fermentation and increased its alcoholic strength. There are many stories, myths and legends around puque, one of them describes the moon as a pot of pulque that, as it wanes, spills the liquid and fertilizes the earth with each lunar cycle. Due to this myth, it becomes It has the popular belief that the lunar phases are important for obtaining mead and for the cultivation of maguey. Pulque is an important drink since it comes from a plant that grows with little water, it can be obtained in arid places where this vital element is lacking. In some towns in the Mezquital Valley, it is customary for young children to drink mead, which considerably reduces malnutrition in those towns. In the 20’s and with the entry of beer to Mexico, a campaign began to reduce alcohol consumption. Pulque, specifically, lost popularity as it was considered an ordinary and lower quality drink. The myth of “la mona” originated, which attributed an unhygienic elaboration to pulque, maintaining that for its fermentation, animal feces wrapped in a piece of sky blanket were added, which was never true. Over time, pulque has been recovering its popularity, although not in the way it used to be, which is why cured pulques began to be made for greater acceptance. A cure consists of adding fruits, vegetables or seeds to enrich its flavor and make it much more acceptable to people who do not like that peculiar flavor and smell of ferment so characteristic of this drink. You can currently find this drink in different parts of the country, from traditional pulquerías to bars and restaurants that are already using it as one of their star ingredients for national cocktails. Pulque is so versatile that in addition to pairing very well with barbecue, nopales, and turkey, it can be the ideal accompaniment to dishes such as huitlacoche crepes or mamey mousse. Let’s rescue the emblematic drinks that we have and don’t let them get lost, let’s consume them responsibly and toast it has been said!


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